Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 10, 2024

We know how important personal information is to you, and we will protect your personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Please read and fully understand and agree to this Privacy Policy before using it and its services. If you disagree with any of the contents of this policy, you should immediately stop using our application and its services. When you use any product or service of us and its affiliates, you agree and fully understand the entire content of this policy.


This policy will help you understand the following:

1. Information we collect and permissions required

1.1 When you use the application, we will not collect any information you use, and all the data you use will remain in the local disk.

1.2 When you use our application, in order to ensure your normal use, maintain the normal operation of our services, improve and optimize the user experience and protect the security of your account, we may ask you to grant the following personal permissions to use you:

2. How we use, transfer and disclose your personal information

2.1 The information we collect will be used for the following purposes:

  • 2.1.1 We will only use your information to implement the functions of this product or service and provide you with services as described in this policy;
  • 2.1.2 Meet your personalized needs and provide you with personalized suggestions and services, such as recommending content that is suitable for you or that you may be interested in based on your browsing, search and other behaviors;
  • 2.1.3 Optimize products and services, improve user experience, conduct data statistics and analysis to evaluate, maintain and improve the performance of our products and services, develop new products, new services, provide customer support, etc., in the following cases, the identification will be cancelled and your personal identity will not be identified;
  • 2.1.4 In order to protect the security of our products and services, we may use your information for identity authentication, monitoring account and transaction risks, detection and security precautions, fraud monitoring, archive backup, customer security services, etc.;
  • 2.1.5 In the event of an emergency, your information must be recorded, reviewed, analyzed and disposed of, and processed if necessary.
  • 2.2 We will not transfer your personal information to any third party without your explicit consent. However, when information is transferred due to our possible merger, division, acquisition, asset sale or bankruptcy liquidation, we will require the recipient to protect your personal information in accordance with laws, regulations and standards, but no less than this Privacy Policy. .

    2.3 We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

    2.4 Information we obtain from legal public channels, such as information you disclose to the public, news reports, government information disclosure and other legal channels, will be exempted from consent, use, transfer, disclosure, etc. in accordance with the law.

    3. Face recognition

    When you use some face editing or synthesis functions, we automatically captures the positions and shapes of your five sense organs, analyzes the facial feature information for photo processing, and returns the renderings to you. We will not store such photos、videos, facial feature information, or renderings, or share them with any third party. Such information is processed only to run the face recognition function and provide you with better renderings. If the content of your video editing involves facial feature information that is not your own, you need to inform the subject of personal information and obtain the consent of the subject of personal information.

    4. How do you manage your personal information

    4.1 You can access, modify and delete the personal information you provide when using our services, or contact us as described in this policy. However, please note that the modification and deletion of personal information may affect the use of the relevant services involved in the information or make the service unavailable.

    4.2 You can block the website from using cookies by modifying your browser settings, but after blocking, you may not be able to use the services or functions that rely on our cookies.

    4.3 If you find that we have collected or used your personal information in violation of laws and regulations or the provisions of this policy, or if you find that the information we collect or store is incorrect, you can contact us through the methods described in this policy and ask us to delete or correct it.

    4.4 When you access, modify and delete relevant information, we may ask you to verify your identity to ensure account security.

    4.5 Please understand that due to technical limitations, legal or regulatory requirements, we may not be able to meet all your requirements, and we will respond to your request within a reasonable time.

    4.6 For your personal sensitive information, once leaked, illegally provided or abused, it may endanger the safety of people and property, and may easily damage personal reputation, physical and mental health or discriminatory treatment. When using our products and services, please upload and upload it. For any content or information (such as photos, pictures, videos, audio, comments, etc.), please be cautious and do not disclose your personal sensitive information.

    5. How we protect your personal information

    5.1 We will take reasonable measures to protect your personal information through various technical means within the technical level of the same industry.

    5.2 We have established a corresponding internal security assurance system and arranged special personnel to be responsible for the corresponding information security assurance. You understand that the Internet environment is not 100% safe, and we will do our best to ensure the security of your personal information.

    5.3 If a personal information security incident occurs, we will immediately launch an emergency plan and will immediately notify you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, you can provide self-prevention and risk reduction suggestions, remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly notify you of the incident by mail, letter, phone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to notify the subject of personal information one by one, we will take reasonable and effective means to make an announcement. At the same time, we will actively report and handle personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

    6. How we handle the personal information of minors

    6.1 Minors shall not create their own user accounts without the consent of their guardians. Minors should use our products and services under the consent, guidance and supervision of their parents or guardians.

    6.2 For minors, especially children's personal information collected with the consent of their parents or guardians, we will only use, share or disclose this information when permitted by laws and regulations, with the explicit consent of parents or guardians, or to protect the information of minors.

    6.3 If you are the guardian of a minor, if you have any questions about the personal information of minors under your guardianship, please contact us through the methods described in this policy.

    7. How do we store your personal information

    We will comply with laws and regulations, and all data will be retained in the user's mobile phone disk.

    8. How to update this policy

    Our privacy policy may change, and the revised policy will be posted on the relevant page or other appropriate means. If you do not agree with the revised policy content, please stop using our products and services immediately; if you choose to continue to access or use our products and services after modifying this policy, it is deemed that you have accepted all modifications to this policy.

    9. Contact Us

    If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us:

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